PDPM – The Deep Dive
August 7, 2019 |
Wednesday, March, 27th, 2019
Resorts Casino Hotel
1133 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ
Attendee List
Click on your name to display your certificate as a PDF file for printing or saving.
- Allgair, Eric
- Arezzo, George
- Arnold, Robert
- Bailey, Allyson
- Bardinas, Genine
- Bauer, Catherine
- Bauer, Gary
- Bautista, Rowena
- Baylor, Michelle
- Bennett, Barbara
- Bondy, Golde
- Bonifacio, Barbara
- Bonifacio, Blanquita
- Broomall, Jr., Charles
- Browne, John M
- Broyde, Yisroel M
- Bruno, Karen
- Bucci, John A.
- Buchanan, Nancy
- Buczek, Kathy
- Byrne, Diane
- Caggiano, Michele
- Causer, Jennifer
- Chance, Kenneth Keith
- Chheda, Vishal
- Cohen, Dvora
- Coleman, Sheila
- Conley RN, Abby
- Cristobal, Lydia
- Cumiskey, Brian
- Dallos, Timothy
- Damiani, Frank
- DaSilva, Francisco
- Dauerman, Rebecca
- Delaney, Diane
- Donato, Linda
- Dumke, Steve
- Eamigh, Kaitlin
- Eicke, Mary Jane
- Faszczewski, Brian
- Felder, Yissochor Dov
- Fereno, Alicia
- Fischman, Ciporah
- Fisher, Leslie
- Fitzpatrick, Ryan
- Foley, Susan
- Frazee, Kimberly
- Garozzo, Brenden
- Geis, Anita
- Gillies, Christopher
- Gonzalez, James
- Gorczyca, Joanna
- Grosser, Susan
- Grossman, Eliezer M
- Grosz, Joel
- Guarraci, Victoria
- Harris, Andy
- Harrison, Lauraine
- Hasenpat, Karynell
- Hecht, Mandy
- Hoch, Robert
- Holloway Sr, Terrance Brian
- Huster, Tammy
- Isaac, Steven
- Israel, Yehuda M.
- Izzo, Steven
- Jones, Tamarisk
- Kaes, Loretta
- Kennedy-Hill, Christine
- Kessler, Lauren
- Kim, Kirsten
- Kinder, David
- Klimas, Robert
- Klocke, Brian
- Kreisler, Melissa
- Krohn, Simcha
- La Para, Karen
- Lalumia-Kranis, Lisa Anne
- Levy, Jennifer
- Lighten, Jake
- Lisk, Jeffrey
- Malaver, Kathleen
- Markowits, Alexander C.
- Marks, Greg
- Martin, Elizabeth
- Medina, Ramon
- Mervine, George
- Metternich, Christopher
- Mimna, Shawne
- Mims, Ann Marie
- MS, GCNS-BC, Steven Littlehale
- Munk, Boruch
- Onwunaka, Veronica
- Orso, Joan
- Palma, Susan
- Pascale, Frank
- Pilek, John
- Pray, Cathy
- Quinn Martone, Deborah
- Raike-Brand, Kelly
- Reilly, Kelly E
- Risola, Marjorie
- Rokeach, Nachum
- Ryan, Jim
- Sabella, Sabrina
- Santana, James
- Sathe, Sucheta
- Scuderi, MaryAnne
- Share, Steven
- Shawn, Andrew
- Smith, Sam
- Sonenblick, Isaac
- Sorrentino, Barbara
- Strachan, George
- Sullivan, Lawrence
- Testa, Jan
- Thervil, McIntosh
- Thomas, Tinu
- Thompson, Colleen
- Thomson, Jacqueline
- Tirelli, Angela
- Torres, Alex
- Tracy, Georgine P
- Udell, Lori
- Uphold, Sandra
- Upmanis, Teresa
- Wallace, Monica
- Weinberg, Elazar
- White, Cynthia
- Wilson, Ashley
- Wittler, Judith
- Wood, Patricia