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◂  August 2022

AHCA/NCAL Silver Quality Award Application Workshop (virtual) - 1st of 5 classes



This training is for HCANJ members only.


Previous Bronze Quality Award winners (within the past three years) are invited to attend this virtual workshop.


AHCA/NCAL state affiliates have worked together to bring you this top-notch ZOOM training so that you can continue on your quality journey.


Glenn Bodinson, founder of BaldrigeCoach, and Kay Kendall former Master Examiner and team leader for the AHCA/NCAL Quality Award Program will guide you through the application process in LIVE Zoom sessions.


Classes will meet via live Zoom sessions for five days: August 4, 11, 18, 25 & September 1 at 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. each day, with CEs earned by attendees. 


Fee: $250 (two attendees)

If paying by check, submit the registration form in advance.


15 NAB CEs for LNHA and CALA – Participants MUST attend all LIVE sessions in order to earn CEs.


Program brochure

Registration form (fillable)

(Completed registration form should be emailed to Michelle at

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