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◂  August 2022

Lights, Camera, REIMBURSEMENT! - Zimmet Healthcare
8/10/20228/11/2022All Day


Mohegan Sun
1 Mohegan Sun Blvd.
Uncasville, CT 06382

The long-awaited blockbuster from Case-Mix Studios opened in SNF theaters on October 1, 2019.  The Patient Driven Payment Model has topped box office charts since its premier.  Despite its positive impact on reimbursement alignment, clinical outcomes & operating efficiency, “Hollywood accounting” was used to suggest the production went $1.7B over budget.  Nevertheless, PDPM was well-received by critics – Zimmet Healthcare gave it “Two Big Claims Up.”  CORE Analytics called it “a far more engaging adventure than the statistically-challenged original.”  eCapIntel added, “After 20 years of uninspired RUG-based sequels and spinoffs, CMS finally delivers a winner!”


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