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◂  September 2017

AALNA Meeting - NJ Chapter


HCANJ Executive Headquarters
4 AAA Drive, Suite 203
Hamilton, NJ


Pat Banta

Successful Transition into long-term Care

AALNA invites assisted living nurses to an education session featuring

Katherine Black, MSN, RN-BC, Clinical Assistant Professor, Rutgers School of Nursing.

Katherine will discuss the framework for the Nurse Residency Programs and redesigning the transitional training programs for nurses entering long-term care.


End of Life Care:  Aligning Medical Care with Individual Preferences

Presenters:  Adelisa Perez and Lori Feldstein, Coalition to Improve End of Life Care


Please reserve your seat by calling or e-mailing Pat Banta.

AALNA welcomes both members and non-members to attend this session. Please be sure the register in advance with Pat Banta.

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